Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday – 07/16/10

Testing data downloaded yesterday. As expected for wind data the two sensor stations in the higher more open area are highly correlated (1 and 3) while those in different understory environments are not (2 and 4).


PAR data shows as expected readings, with the sensor in the deepest understory having the lowest readings throughout the day, those higher up having more similar readings. Sensor 2 is also lower down in the canopy and in a more obstructed area.


Sunfleck data is shown below, shows 3 minutes of 2 second PAR readings at the start of every hour. As expected the greatest variability is in the sensor located in the forest understory area of greatest variability (middle height) – robot 2.



Heading out to the forest now to:

  1. collect final GPS points (T6 and T8)
  2. Collect azimuth offsets for T4
  3. Get the position of the interior forest microclimate stations (henceforth termed ‘robots’)
  4. Collect 3-5 more traverse sites of leaf and trunk offsets