Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday – 10/18/10

  • Completed NSF proposal, yeah!
  • Calibrating temp/rH sensors. This is very technical and requires a bathtub filled with ice water. Then a linear offset applied to each sensor post-processing.



  • Following calibration we will be heading to the field to install them in the low elevation locations.

So the first approach didn’t work. The sensors were all over the place. This was due to the water temperature never stabilizing and different sections of the tub having different depths.

I resolved this using 60 lbs of ice and deeper water depth and removing the wooden supports to fit them all in the deep end.



Following a period of crazy readings while the ice cooled and the water stabilized, I obtained decent calibration points (from 13:27 on).

Calibration offsets calculated were very small.
