Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday – 08/27/10

  • Working on diffuse PAR model. Who knew how simple it was to calculate Euclidean distances within a variable size array, meaning the diffuse model can be adjusted on the fly (using only the code below), and therefore much better parameterized to actual microclimate conditions. Joy!


x_2 = (findgen(nx) - xcen) ^ 2     ;X distances (squared)
y_2 = (findgen(ny) - ycen) ^ 2     ;Y distances (squared)  
im = fltarr( nx, ny, /NOZERO)     ;Make uninitialized output array

for i = 0L, ny-1 do begin                      ;Row loop
       im[0,i] = sqrt(x_2 + y_2[i])      ;Euclidian distance

thanks to NASA GSFC for base code! Here’s a small example from the procedure…

Here is output in cell fractions for a 5x5 array.

2.82843      2.23607      2.00000      2.23607      2.82843
2.23607      1.41421      1.00000      1.41421      2.23607
2.00000      1.00000     0.000000      1.00000      2.00000
2.23607      1.41421      1.00000      1.41421      2.23607
2.82843      2.23607      2.00000      2.23607      2.82843


Now how to make this work except within a variable size cylinder?

d = \sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2 + (y_2-y_1)^2+ (z_2-z_1)^2}


excellent, here it is for 4 cells above our z base in meters, corrected for different x and z dimensions (0.56 and 0.15 m).

1.69375      1.38852      1.27059      1.38852      1.69375
1.38852     0.993579     0.820731     0.993579      1.38852
1.27059     0.820731     0.600000     0.820731      1.27059
1.38852     0.993579     0.820731     0.993579      1.38852
1.69375      1.38852      1.27059      1.38852      1.69375


On to the direct PAR model for a change of pace. Here is the preliminary brainstorm, a load of basic trig.
